Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Back From the Land of Color

I feel a little like Dorothy waking up back in Kansas after the brilliance of Oz...only difference is that I brought two munchkins back home with me. The fam and I went to the Portland area for five days to visit family and friends and to test for a potential job. What struck me was how many flowers were in bloom over there! Eastern Oregon is just now starting to get her first cover of green, which every plant, tree, and flower in the Valley are showing their true colors. I, of course, went a little berserk with the super macro setting on our point and shoot. Sorry if you get tired of floral photos, but I just couldn't help myself.

Oh! And next I'll be posting a tutorial on the Orton Effect. You can read about it here. This article has instructions for Photoshop Elements, which I don't use, so for those of you Elements peeps out there, this will help! I'll be showing you how to do it using Photoshop CS...the original version...not CS2 or CS3 or CS4...just plain ol' CS. It is A-MA-ZING with the right floral photos. So far I've only used florals, so I haven't yet experienced its awesomeness on a different subject.

We'll see how long the boys will let me work on this tutorial.


  1. So pretty!!! It sounds like a wonderful trip!

  2. You got the bee shot! Yay!

    Those pics turned out great for a little point and shoot. Nice work!
