Friday, April 10, 2009

Here They Are!

I did it! I am triumphant! I actually managed to finish editing my photos from my little expedition around our 10,000 horse town! I'm not going to write any captions with explanations because, well, I don't feel like it. Some of these I'm in love with, some of them make me feel a bit ho-hum. But I'll post them all anyway.


  1. again!! So impressed. these are so cool!!! I love the floral chair outside the old building! but they are all so good!

  2. Ha ha, yeah, that one was one of my favs too. Carly Carlson actually used it for a photo shoot once, which I totally didn't notice, but the funny thing is that I immediately thought of her when I saw it!

  3. Awesome pictures! I love the fun places you found. I have to say that as awesome as your black and white was on mission24, I like it even better in color.

  4. Ohhh I just love the floral-print chair! Fabulous. You have a good eye for awesome photo ops!

  5. some really nice textures in your photography!
    please let me know what you think of my artwork...
